Optimize or innovate?

Over the past 30 years, we have gained a great capacity to develop and optimize our processes and our services. Right now, we’re still putting a lot of energy into adapting yesterday’s solutions to today’s challenges.

However, the complexity and rapid changes in our societies call for a new approach to meet the challenges: beyond optimizing, it is now a question of shaping the culture into one that enables transformation and evolution in an easier fashion.

Human potential

The support we offer is based on our belief that the best solution to innovate already exists within the organization and is called human potential. To unlock this human potential for innovation and the ability to adapt quickly, we believe in the power of leadership and the culture of the organization.

Towards a new balance

The key to success for an organization is to find a balance between the resources allocated that are typically used to optimize solutions and resources that are deployed to innovate and create a new way of being that will meet the evolving needs of customers.

In order to successfully continue its work, all organizations, whether private, public, sports, association or community based, must put its attention and deploy its resources on its mission (what is important) and on its evolution (its development).

Our values

Our approach and our interventions are based on four fundamental values and on two principles or intervention.

Our values are: clarity, alignment, flexibility and action.

We believe that when these values are combined, the conditions for success and employee engagement are also there.

The two principles we base our interventions are: a sense of “timing” and integration.

We believe that these two principles are supported by natural laws and that compliance with these laws will bring results that often exceed initial expectations.

Hamilton Leadership 360 © 2024